
It is not your fault

Anyone can be a victim of sexual violence, regardless of age, gender, sexuality or socio-economic class. Responsibility for the crime lies with your attacker. It is not your fault.

Safelight offers programs that give survivors a fresh start.

If you are in Immediate Danger, Call 9-1-1
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men are sexually abused in their lifetime Department of Justice)Sexual Assault Statistical Graphic
  • In 8 out of 10 rape cases, the survivor knows the attacker Department of Justice)

  • Among developmentally disabled adults, up to 83 percent of females and 32 percent of males are victims of sexual violence (Disabled Women's Network)

  • Only 28 percent of survivors report their sexual assault to the police (Bureau of Justice)

Who Do We Help?

Anyone who is a survivor of sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment or any other type of unwanted sexual contact.

Sexual violence is a broad term covering many types of victimization. It happens to people of all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, and incomes. Safelight provides services for men, women, and children who are survivors of sexual violence.

All services are free and confidential.

How Do We Help?

Counselors and advocates are available to accompany you to the hospital or police station. Our staff provide trauma-informed evidence-based intervention and are trained to help with the immediate and ongoing needs of survivors and to support you through the medical and legal processes.

Advocates empower, educate and counsel survivors through emotional support, safety planning, case management services, and advocacy within medical, court, child welfare and other systems of care.

Our Services

  • 24-Hour Response Line
    If you or someone you know has experienced any form of sexual violence, Safelight provides a 24-hour crisis line that offers help and support.
  • Emergency Room Advocacy
    Trained advocates are available 24 hours a day to provide support and information to survivors of sexual assault at the hospital where they are being treated.
  • Law Enforcement Accompaniment/Court Assistance
    Advocacy and companionship during visits to law enforcement agencies, court proceedings, and other legal procedures.
  • Counseling
    Completely confidential, free counseling sessions are available for all women, men, and children who have ever experienced the trauma of sexual violence. Counseling is also available for family members indirectly affected.
  • Case Management
    Each survivor and his or her circumstances is different and The Healing Place recognizes the need for appropriate community referrals. A staff member will assist each survivor as they work toward overcoming the sexual violence by identifying needs of the whole person and helping the survivor access needed community resources.
  • Victim's Compensation
    Advocates will help the survivor determine eligibility and file the proper paperwork to receive compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, etc.
  • Address Confidentiality
    Trained assistants can help file paperwork to keep your current address confidential. Mail will be delivered to an address of your choice rather than your street address.

2023-2024 Annual Sponsors:

Stuller Power Solutions
Champion Comfort Experts
Advent Health
Relocate 828
Dunlap Construction
Horizon Heat and Air
Southern Alarm
UNC Health Pardee logo

Funded By:

Governors Crime Commission
Council For Women
Family Violence Prevention Services Program
United Way
Hunter Hometown Foundation
Mary Kay Foundation

Memberships and Affiliations:

NCA Accredited Member
Charity Navigator Safelight Page
Just Economics WNC Living Wage Certification
Impact Health logo and website link